
storm on the horizon



4 Years
Extra small

Treat 2019Christmas 2019Promptober 2019
07-02-2019, 08:33 PM

Eris Pyre
Eris sputtered a laugh at the thought of a blind warrior besting others of similar skill. Would something like that even be possible? Maybe for someone braver than her, or more clever. There were days that she wandered the same well-worn trail in a circle around the orchard, her own personal ritual. She could follow certain routes in her sleep - wouldn't it stand to reason that she could still fight? There were certain movements and lessons from spars that she could recall with perfect clarity, but she was hampered by an intense insecurity stemming from her reduced eyesight.

"I'm not sure I want to," Eris mused. "I miss it... desperately. But part of it feels like a huge relief," she whispered, admitting it out loud for the first time. There had been this ravenous urge to prove herself - in some ways, it had divided her from her family. A constant struggle to be faster, better, stronger. Although she missed the tussles and spars, she was much happier this way. She was closer to Tor, closer to the Ademre, and all the more powerful for it. There was untold strength in unity, and she found herself feeling much more at ease as part of the fold rather than leading the charge.

"But yes, I think our people are very similar!" She agreed heartily. "I've been spending most of my time in a grove full of old fruit trees, if you ever want to come find me after this. I think we should be good friends," Eris asserted. With all of their commonalities, she was sure that Lament and her sisters would take a quick liking to him, just as she had. "After all, if we can weather this storm together, we can do anything!"


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