

belle / ban



8 Years
07-03-2019, 02:09 PM (This post was last modified: 07-05-2019, 10:05 AM by Hannibal.)

Finally escaping the grasp of Auster Hannibal set his paws upon Boreas for the first time since he fled. Rebuilding his mental health as well as physical well being. The moon was high in the sky as Hannibal had made it a point to carry on traveling at night. It was a practice that was very important for the health of his skin. Finally his scabs were healing and there was no point for him to be withstanding the sun's gaze. Hannibal was still rather beaten down from his life in seclusion but with spending time with the Lioness and Pandora, perhaps even Segar, he was feeling like himself. Hannibal was still aware that he was of royal blood and simple.. above most. But, he allowed his emotions to get the better of him. Failing in a fight against a Wolf so inferior really beat down all those confident walls surrounding his normally rather fortified mind.

Pink pads fell upon the warm earth as he slithered into the trees. The forest was thick upon the Fjord and he could likely find a nice temporary den to reside in. His belly was full from a Hare he picked up along the way so food was not a problem for the male. Hannibal allowed his form to brush up against a tree as if to allow his scent to linger upon its rigid bark. The hope of finding his family was what kept him going, more then anything. The thoughts of his sprawling babes Banshee, Mordi, and Recluse never left his sore mind. Maybe one day he would be reunited and that could easily be from a linger scent left upon a tree.

Hannibal // Deathbelle

This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.