
Sing about the Birds and the Bees

Bronze i


12 Years
07-19-2013, 10:39 AM

Silent was pregnant. This fact had been somewhat surprising to him -- since he always tried to be realistic, and not overly optimistic -- but he accepted it quickly, and grew rapidly eager to be a father again. One thing that he was not excited for was the sudden mood swings that pregnant females seem to apt to go through. But he would be loving, and he would be patient with him mate -- she was the one carrying the children, after all.

Today, her request was simple; she wanted food. But no, not just any food, but a rabbit. With no complaints he left her, off to search for exactly what his love requested. It was not as simple a task as he hoped -- prey was plentiful, but still required a decent trek, and he caught no scent of rabbit in the air today. His aged paws carried him along a river. It was a warm day, and any prey that were about were likely to be found there.. though as he wandered along, the fast river seemed to increase in pace, became rather rapid.

Before long, the scent of another reached his nostrils, and his attention was averted briefly. The scent was sweet -- that of a woman. Slowly he drew himself along the river, dark eyes searching the distance. When she came into view, he lowered himself slightly, knowing he was larger than most females -- not wanting to startle her. He was in no mood for a fight these days. "Afternoon," he greeted her somberly, his deep voice ringing out over the roaring river.