
Yup this is totally a daydream

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
07-05-2019, 07:56 PM
He almost turned to grab his own meal as Eulogy halted and turned to look at him. She seemed guilty, and Rhyme understood. Living free hadn’t quite settled in her yet and she thought he wanted her to put her food back. Rhyme shifted to stop her as she tried to do as she thought he wanted. The slate alpha finally got a good look at her, and now that she was closer he realized why she had been off. He hadn’t expected it, otherwise he might have realized sooner.

”No, keep it.” Rhyme told her as he leaned down to nuzzle her cheek encouragingly. ”I wanted to join you for a meal.” His voice was pleasant and held a happy ring to it that Rhyme wasn’t sure he felt. If Eulogy was pregnant.. He thought that he’d kept a close eye on her, but the folly of never having enough time returned to him. She hadn’t mentioned anyone trying to hurt her, but he knew she was still adjusting to a more civilised world.

Rhyme however, did return to the kill pile to grab himself a duck. Having always been a fan of fowl, turkey being his favorite. He figured he wanted some comfort food for the conversation ahead. Turning back towards his sister he would lead her to a spot by the cliffs. There was a nice rocky outcropping he frequented, large flat stones rested on the short windswept grass. A perfect view of the ocean laid out before them for when they enjoyed their meal. Rhyme gestured for Eulogy to get comfortable before he settled near the zenith.

”How are you, Eu?” Rhyme asked her softly, still somehow keeping his nerves from his voice. ”Sorry, I can’t be around more often to catch up,” He apologized before trying to find his way closer to the point. ”Anything interesting happening recently?” Maybe she would mention some kind of clue so he could more easily transition into a conversation about her current condition.