
Yup this is totally a daydream



Intermediate Hunter (30)

Expert Healer (155)

10 Years

Pride - Demisexual
07-05-2019, 07:57 PM
Rhyme blocked her from putting back the food and she stopped, watching him before he spoke and clued her in enough to tell her she didn’t need to. He nuzzled her cheek as he spoke and she returned her gesture affectionately. Unlike with other’s she had no fear of Rhyme, just an understanding that he was her better, and the child Rhythm had wanted. Unlike her, unlike so many of the children she knew Rhythm had birthed.

There was a moment as Rhyme turned to get his own meal, and she seated herself as he selected his own. She of course had never told anyone that she was very partial to exotic meats, such as the one taste of alligator she had once had, then there was also the snake she had ate, it was nice too. Most meats like fish were too slimy or gamey tasting to her, but she never would complain or ask the hunters for anything different. That would be a burden, and some of it was much to dangerous to go after anyway.

As Rhyme returned with his duck she stood and when he asked wordlessly for her to follow she did so. She walked in silence and watched the surroundings, an internal need to watch for danger and masters was imprinted on her mind, and would probably never leave her. When they stopped and rhyme gestured for her to get comfortable she looked about and selected a large flat stone to lay on so she could sun as she ate.

When he asked her his question she put the piglet down and placed a paw over it. ”I’m okay, my head doesn’t hurt anymore and it only itches on my cut now, like when my wounds are finally mended.” He must of wanted to know because of her injury in the fire right? Of course her own condition still hadn’t dawned on her. She still thought she couldn’t get pregnant, that she was infertile. He apologized and she shook her head to stop him, ”I’m not some pup, you shouldn’t have to worry about me, your an alpha. The pack and your children are more important than me anyway.” She was genuine when she gave him a smile and looked him in the eyes with her statement. It was true, he had a pack to worry about and she was just merely a piece of it that when he had time for he could tend to.

When he asked if she had anything interesting happen lately she perked her ears as she thought. Aside from meeting Ox and that fiasco, nothing had really happened. ”Not really, anything interesting with you?” Of course she was more comfortable speaking with Rhyme than anyone else in the pack, well aside from Poem, but she was a baby.
[Image: n8iDN8Z.png]