
Yup this is totally a daydream



Intermediate Hunter (30)

Expert Healer (155)

10 Years

Pride - Demisexual
07-05-2019, 08:11 PM
He said no to her going to find Ox and tell him, but she still wasn’t so sure. Maybe he would want something to do with them? Rhyme wanted to deny that to him. Her ears pinned further, if that was even possible. Did rhyme think the worst of her choices then? It was her opinion that it was a better option than having the pack owe him.

His next statement made it even more obvious that he was going to be over protective of her and her pups. She wasn’t allowed to go anywhere without an escort. That was going to be harder for her. The only other wolf in Abaven she was comfortable enough around was Poem and she was just a pup so that was not happening. She internally sighed. So much for her trying to be adventurous then. She also doubted Ox would make a visit anytime soon, seeing as he liked his independence. And here she thought she might of had a friend in the sellsword.

”Okay….” She definitely was less than thrilled with confinement. Even if that confinement was temporary. She’d also need to start thinking about where to den and who she wanted involved in case something went wrong. ”Do you know where mom is?” She hoped her mother was at least here. She definitely needed to speak with her at least. She hadn’t seen her in what felt like forever, not completely her fault but she didn’t even know where to find her.

Rhythm would be the best place to start for advice, and maybe to get Rhyme to ease up a little bit. But then she’d have to see if rhyme minded helping her find a nice tree to dig under.
[Image: n8iDN8Z.png]