
rise again



8 Years
07-05-2019, 11:16 PM

A haunting howl swept across the phantom's form and two pale eyes flashed open in an instant. Hannibal and Banshee had been resting not too far from the lake in a temporary den. He knew they would need to scout out the region for a more suitable residence but he wouldn't be too picky. The male was much more concerned with the comfort of Banshee, who had seemed to be doing fine after the initial shock of reuniting. Hannibal hadn't had the chance to broach the subject of why he had left or what happened in their time a part and he wanted to allow his daughter time. There was no reason to rush things especially with how fragile everything was currently.

With a few moments to shake off the fog of slumber the duo were on their way to the meeting site. Anticipation was thick within the male's veins. Each step bubbled with an ample wonder that could only be driven by such a powerful moment. Belle's call was that of a Alphess. A Klein was back in power and that made the beast rich with pleasure. Of course the albino had always figured he would be the one calling forth the subjects at the top of a throne. But, this was not the time to dwell on his failures... It was time to do what was best for his family.

Hannibal slithered forth with Banshee waddled along not far behind. Upon arrival the male scanned those around him with a ravaging sweep. Belle, Archon, and a stranger. The slender ghouls gaze lingered upon his sisters before moving to Archon. A twinge of uncertainty filled his core as he eyed over the dappled holy roller. The last time they had been in the same clearing was when Hannibal lost his fight against Tyranis and before that Hannibal was Archon's slave. It was a mess of a situation and with seeing the larger male it certainly brought back some negative feelings.

His head was held high but not in an overly domineering way. Deathbelle was the Alpha and she held all of Hannibal's respect. But, the albino was never going to be some submissive whelp. Hannibal stopped in front of Belle, face to face, about seven tail lengths away. His head swept downward and eyes shut as the beast took the form of a gracious bow. After a moment his head raised once again and husky tones slipped from smiling pink lips. "The Empress of Ashes.." Pale pools poured into her vibrant optics, "My heart swells with pride to see a Klein atop a throne once again." Perhaps it had always been Belle.. She had more of Hamiclar in her after all. That dark seething pelt and her very principled ways. Hannibal glanced over his shoulder at Banshee, who seemed to think this was all some sort of nonsense, then back to Belle with a smidge of a grin. "If you would allow us to formally enter your ranks.. I would be forever grateful." Hannibal figured Banshee would have been accepted no matter what.. but would Belle want the broken Prince roaming her pristine new lands?


This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.