
rise again



5 Years

Pride - BisexualMammoth HunterPromptober 2019
07-06-2019, 05:13 PM (This post was last modified: 07-06-2019, 05:28 PM by Hela.)

Ebony hacklers were calm, lowered as there weren't any reasons for stress. Hela was new to this land, arriving some few hours ago when the night was still in its fullest, and since then she didn't dare to sleep more than an hour and a half. And soon she was once again in her march, march toward an uncertain direction. Her facade was stoic, emotionless as usual, Hela wasnt a very expressive woman as there was never a situation that was worthy of it. As a child you would expect one with the typical cheerful nature, one with playful desires and that but Crow was different, she wasn't like the rest. And not only dry, she has also had some attraction to other's agony, seeing those fail under her was something she would enjoy as much as others would with candy.

Now as an adult, those old desires still remained but they upgraded as she grew up. She enjoyed stepping over others to obtain what she wanted. The feeling of getting higher than others was something she couldn't help but smile upon.

Leaving that to a side, the shadowy creature walked further. And there the scent of many wolves reached her ashed nose. In a confident way, she would march forward having her ears perked, head raised with pride, with pride of knowing who she was, of knowing her heritage. A heritage without equal. And soon her light pink eyes spotted some wolves gathered, and at first, none was known to her but all changed when she reached them. She did know almost all of them, they were her siblings. "Hannibal, Harbringr, Bell. I didn't expect to find you all here" She called form them in a calm voice looking around, and she could see two faces she didn't recognize. But she didn't feel the need to ask, her focus was more with her relatives. Takes a sit and falls in silence.


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