
On matters of the heart


Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
07-06-2019, 06:13 PM

Shaye was feeling her age today, as she moved through the plains and to the Moontouched Cliffs. It was beautiful here, she could look out and see the ocean, and feel how vast the world was. How there could be infinite possibilities beyond the horizon. It left her remembering her past, and seeing good, and a lot of bad. She thought of her parents, of leaving them, and never seeing them again before they died. She thought of Rhyme, and well she knew she would always love him, she would never seek to have anything more with him again.

Their children where beautiful, but they never should have been had with Rhyme. She did not regret them, but she still questions what consequences might come from mingling the family line.

She thought of how she had wished for someone to share her life with, and how the chances of finding such a man seemed less and less likely each day. Acere sprang to mind, but their differences where too vast, and their lives now too different. No, she respected him, but she could see nothing coming from that line of thought. Odysseus? He was a handsome man, and his calm demeanor had seen her through some trying times, but she did not feel a spark had ever passed between them.

She sighed, shuffling against the grass until she was comfortable, and she could watch the late sun as it moved slowly through the sky. Where had her life gone?

"Talk" "You" Think


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