
Panic on the streets of London

for eris


The Hallows

Expert Intellectual (165)

Master Navigator (255)

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

9 Years
Extra small

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantPride - DemisexualChristmas 2019
07-06-2019, 08:13 PM
Sota was admittedly panicking.

He hadn't even known Balsam had been taken prisoner until he'd been approached by Valkyrie.. and how could he be expected to know? He occasionally tried to redirect himself toward where Balsam had gone, but staying hot on his trail wasn't exactly a priority. He was practicing this thing called being independent, which he wasn't all that great at, but it was a whole lot easier with some decent company.. which he'd found a lot of these days. He hadn't even noticed he hadn't smelled Balsam lately until a rather strange, abrasive woman approached him - quite bluntly announcing that she'd taken his friend captive, though would part for him for a fair price.

Sota had nothing. He struggled to think of what he could possibly provide her that would be of any worth, but he came up empty-handed. The Songa, after all, weren't the bargaining type. They were the type to take what they wanted, when they wanted... but then again, they weren't used to the world of these giants and Sota couldn't help but feel wildly uncertain about what to do next.

His panic was directly inwards, and he struggled to maintain a calm composure around her. No, he had nothing to trade, though he'd call for her if he came up with something. Trading wasn't exactly what he had in mind though, no. The thought of trading anything for his friend seemed insane - a wolf's life wasn't something to simply be taken and bartered with. No, he'd find some way to get Balsam out of this mess if it was the last thing he did.

But to do that, he needed help, and his mind immediately drifted to Eris. He had no idea if she'd be willing to help, or what even she could help with... but his mind was whirling as he struggled to come up with a plan. He'd tracked her scent this far, and Sota could only hope she might offer him a helping paw. Surely she would, right? If he was going so low as to ask for assistance? Cringing slightly, he lifted his head to the sky and called for his new friend - if she could be considered that.