
Baby Steps

Pups first day out



7 Years
Extra large
07-07-2019, 01:50 AM (This post was last modified: 01-23-2021, 07:29 PM by Torin.)
((Once all the kids and Derecho are posted I'd like to open this thread up to members who wanna come meet the pups))

The truth was Torin wasn't ready to let his children out of the den yet, he wanted to keep them inside and away from a world he knew were not going to be friendly to them, from the eyes of strangers who would judge them before they'd so much as had a chance to prove themselves yet. So maybe he was overly protective of his little ones, they were so perfect in his eyes even as they started to talk and to wander and to eat solid foods. Maybe he was also worried because Lili and Lachlan were already hard to keep still and he knew as soon as he let them free of the den there would be no stopping them, off they'd go.

Still he knew he couldn't keep them cooped up forever and he and Derecho had agreed today would be the day. Much as he wanted to keep them for himself, keep his cuddles with his twin girls and the silent bonding between himself and Paddy all for himself and his mate he knew they needed to go, to learn, to meet new people and things. So he'd gotten up early and caught a rabbit, resolving to bring them a little treat to help keep them focused and not racing off in all directions. They'd only been given chunks of meat that he or Derecho had separated out for them and it was time they had their first proper chance at a meal. As the man approached his den a scent told him something was wrong. He dropped the rabbit near the mouth of the den and sniffed the air without the rabbit clogging his senses.

Lili, her scent was strong near the mouth of the den and Torin could trace her wandering away, luckily not far, tucked into a nearby brush. Torin shoved his muzzle into the foliage and easily fished his daughter out. Lili immediately started to chatter at him, bombarding him with questions and Torin suppressed the urge to roll his eyes. He dropped her at his paws as he came to rest beyond the mouth of the den. The girl started towards the rabbit and Torin quickly placed his paw in front of her and scooped his daughter back towards him. "Lili, you were told not to leave the den without us." He began, quickly adopting the stern tone he'd had to learn with his children. "But you didn't listen, so you're going to sit here and wait quietly, your siblings are going to get to pick whatever part of the rabbit they want and then you'll be allowed to have it. You're not going to play or run off until after everyone is up and fed, understood?" Lili nodded sullenly and pouted at his paws. Torin stifled a chuckle and decided to allow her to stew in her punishment, not waking his mate or other children as he'd originally planned.

"Silent Treatment" & Deep thoughts

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I just got back from moving, please help me catch up by dropping threads I owe here. <3