
blackbird singing in the dead of night



8 Years
Extra large

ScarredOverachieverPride - PansexualVolcanoValentines 2020Christmas 2019
07-09-2019, 09:15 AM

Despite Kai's thoughtful words, he didn't really believe anyone was destined to be anything except whatever they chose for themselves. Sure, wolves had certain underlying characteristics, brought forth by their parents as well as their general upbringing... but in the end, he understood that choices were what made each wolf who they were, and if this Chaos was half as fun as he seemed like he might be, it was much more a product of his own choices rather than merely a result of his name. But the thought was entertaining, anyway. "She certainly sounds like a fun parent to be raised by," he chuckled lightly. His father had been a bit more level-headed, not exactly unpredictable.. just free.

Chaos was a bit older than him, he could tell, and he wondered if he still maintained a relationship with his mother... if she was even still alive. It'd been awhile since Kai had seen his father, and he too felt a hint of sorrow touch him as he reflected upon Aki, though the thought was fleeting and he decided against asking. Chaos was climbing onto a nearby boulder and rolling onto his back, stretching out his spine. Kai hunkered down onto the rock he'd claimed, watching his new acquaintance with a wide grin. "They do, as a matter of fact. My father had them, and supposedly to my grandfather too. Mine didn't come in until about a year ago. Quite a surprise," he chuckled loudly, remembering how painful the whole ordeal had been. It'd taken him a while to get used to them, but now they felt like a part of him he'd always had.

"The men seem more interested than the women, I'll admit," he replied easily, finding himself laughing again.  "Though the reactions are mixed. I'd say I get as many wolves keeping their distance as I do.. ones throwing themselves at me," he repeated Chaos's phrasing with a cheeky grin.  "What about you? Your teeth must get you a fair bit of female attention?" He raised a brow, only faintly suggestively.. as if testing the waters a bit.