
add a dash of ginger

seasonal prompt, ixi



3 Years

Christmas 2019
07-09-2019, 11:36 AM (This post was last modified: 12-11-2019, 02:14 PM by Anoixi.)

Anoixi was unsure exactly what it was he doing here... his father had retired recently and while the boy might have assumed that'd mean getting to spend some more time with him it was obvious to him his father was slowing down and he didn't feel right burdening him. Stil the boy felt stifled here, at least right now. He wanted adventure, he wanted to experience something new. He wanted anything but the monotony of what his life had become here.

So maybe when he'd caught the heady scent of herbs and the mingling of a new wolf he couldn't help himself. Lirim hadn't had much in the way of anyone who could teach him. There'd been the two older ladies but he hadn't wanted to burden them either, and they... well he had to assume they'd passed on recently. So the idea that Lirim might finally have someone, anyone who could train him was exciting.

Even if the boy was still less than keen on strangers he'd started getting better about seeing them out. So he traced the scents to the valley, finding a man he'd not seen before. At his paws was... well a mess. The boy's gaze darted between the man and the gross, pulpy clump on the ground. Finally, he approached with more purpose. "Hello..." He began, his uncertainty in his voice. "What- uh... what are you doing?" Okay no beating around the bush, his gaze jumped back to the wet mess on the ground. He idly wondered if he could maybe help, with whatever it was the man was doing...

WC: 613/1500

"Speech" Think

Art by Evertenn
Character design by Floral-Tea

I just got back from moving, please help me catch up by dropping threads I owe here. <3