
waiting for this moment to be free



8 Years
Extra large

ScarredOverachieverPride - PansexualVolcanoValentines 2020Christmas 2019
07-09-2019, 11:54 AM (This post was last modified: 07-09-2019, 11:55 AM by Kai.)
"All lives are amazing," Kai sighed after a moment of thought, his words conversational more than anything. "Each in its own way." Kai was a true believer that nature had a way of weeding out the weak, when their times were up - so in the meantime it was each wolf's responsibility to make the most of their lives, however they chose to do so. While he could never profess to truly understand pack wolves, let alone those who chose to take on the burden of responsibility of ruling, he wouldn't think any less of Rhyme for his choices. If anything, he'd said he had children, so surely he was building a safe and nurturing home for them? He'd admitted to being a single father, which Kai likewise couldn't relate to.. though he wasn't sure he was quite yet ready for fatherhood, the thought had crossed his mind more than once.

He tilted his head toward Rhyme as he answered his question, explaining how he'd come to rule. Unsurprisingly, it seemed to be a family affair of sorts - Kai faintly remembered Bass, and nodded in understanding. Sometimes he wondered if he'd be content to settle down within a pack if his father had been used to that sort of lifestyle. The Jarvela were free-roaming wolves, not ones meant to settle down anywhere - he would be surprised to find a family member who thought otherwise. "So somehow, you're juggling both a changing pack, as well as fatherhood? Sounds busy," Kai drawled, casting him another curious glance. "Hopefully you manage to find some time to.. enjoy yourself," he commented, faintly suggestively, angling to see of Rhyme caught hint of his faintly flirtatious tone.