
doctor's orders



3 Years

Christmas 2019Trick 2019
07-09-2019, 04:09 PM (This post was last modified: 07-09-2019, 04:10 PM by Lucretia.)
Zee. That was fine. Short and to the point. Luce paced around her as she stretched, noting the girl's reluctance. Was she experiencing joint pain? Oh... no, she was just a brat. Lucretia curled her lips in frustration but did not lash out. "This has nothing to do with your fur, unless you have any parasites or lice you'd like to disclose?" Luce inquired with sickening sweetness. She did not remark on Zee's glare, but carefully filed the expression away for later. It would have to be reported. Zee could not act with impunity - it was extremely unbecoming of a servant to the Empress.

When Zee did not immediately lay down, Lucretia jumped to her paws, her brow furrowed. Was it joint pain? It could be the first signs of a serious illness, though likely genetic and not communicable - no matter, she would just have to...

And in that moment, Sirius sped towards her, aiming to take Zee down a peg. Oh. No. She's just an impudent little girl with something to prove. Luce sniffed and narrowed her eyes. "How dare you play games with me, girl," She hissed coolly. "My only wish is to ensure the health and safety of this pack. If you are dead set on making that difficult for me, I'll have your neck snapped before I can complete your oral exam." If Sirius's attack connected, Luce would say all of this inches from Zee's face, her own lips pulled back in a vicious snarl.

"If you apologize, I'll call him off," she spat, sitting primly before the slave and tucking her tail around her legs. Slaves like this were hardly worth the sum of the meat on their bodies. Zee would have a long way to go to prove herself.