
Hail Olympia!



2 Years
Dire wolf
07-09-2019, 08:38 PM (This post was last modified: 07-30-2019, 10:11 PM by Pegasus.)

In the sprawling cities of Theodebes news of Pegasus' conquest has reached their shores and in the wake of a bloody coup several of the great families, as well as common-born scholars, crafters, healers, hunters, and warriors, have fled seeking safe harbor. With only rumors and whispers as their guide, these wolves have traveled to Boreas bringing with them crafting, writing, reading, performing arts, and warcraft flocking toward the young prince as the last standing holdfast of their old life. These wolves come from all walks of life; from bastards to former members of the Senatari. From scorching deserts to the frozen tundra of the north all hoping to find stability amid chaos as the emperor's son, once deemed unworthy of the throne has taken power.


Theodebes is a greek styled continent once populated by wolves of culture and higher sapience, these wolves are practiced in strategy, art, and crafting however the cities of the continent themselves have very little in common aside from the once aligned agreement to council the emperor through a senetari. To the north near the endless fields of ice is Antium where the cold has bred strong militaristic wolves capable in battle and strategy. To the west near the jagged peaks of the Edeem mountains is Seleucia where masters of camouflage and espionage can be found as well as skilled stonemasons and survivalists. In the searing deserts of the south master architects have carved out a living in even the harshest conditions, these are the people of  Genava. To the East lies the fertile lands of Aytepios Pegasus's native land and home to skilled farmers and traders along with priests of the newly adopted religion worshiping the sun god Ley. The island settlement Oea is home to the college of surgeons where healers from all over the continent learn to craft healing supplies and study anatomy. Finally in the capital city Tricensimae one would find the wealthiest wolves in the continent, where the rich live a decadant life under the shadow of the emperor's palace.

These are only six of nine cities within Theodebes which players are encouraged to expand on and make into their own. I encourage people coming from the same cities to interact with each other and plan how the city would be formed, these are just guidelines, everything else is up to the players

Finally for the fun part: The designs

And last but not least the code

<b>Player Name</b>
<b>Character's name</b> No rules on character names
<b> Design</b> Feel free to use your own design as long as it's natural looking
<b> Apperance Description</b> 100 words
<b>Personality description</b> 150 words
<b> History</b> describe which city they came from and their former life