
doctor's orders



3 Years

Christmas 2019Trick 2019
07-10-2019, 08:49 AM
Luce peered into the recesses of Zee's mouth. There was nothing really to note, aside from a build-up of plaque and tartar that came from eating too much meat and not enough bone. Externally, she appeared healthy, although that did not necessarily mean there was not disease lurking inside her body. Sniffing derisively, Lucretia gave Sirius a curt nod. "You may release her, the examination is complete."

Luce sat before Zee, again curling her tail around her paws. In another world, she would be staring down horn-rimmed glasses and scribbling on a prescription pad as Zee squirmed on a cold metal chair. "You have significant plaque build up. I would suggest spending a few moments a day seriously gnawing on some hearty bones - big ones, bison if you can scrounge it up. Nothing that will break on your first bite." The last thing she needed to tend to was a spate of gum disease - Luce loathed treating mouth issues for a variety of reasons. They often stank, were difficult to see progress, and many tended to ignore treatment since the pain often came infrequently and in waves.

"You are dismissed," Luce said coolly, gesturing for Zee to leave with her muzzle. Sirius' examination would come next, and she was suddenly feeling more charitable. "I was told you had trouble with one of your legs - which one? Please stretch, sit, and lie down," Lucretia instructed, a hint of concern worming its way into her voice. There was a long-held childhood affection for the large male in addition to the hell she knew she'd receive from Deathbelle if Sirius was instructed to keep his distance that motivated her. If he still showed signs of illness, they would need to be treated aggressively.