
Step Lightly


07-19-2013, 04:58 PM

She was pleasantly surprised to see that the den he?d located was actually much bigger than she?d anticipated. Looks really could be deceiving. She lingered towards the front of the den, looking uncertainly at the area around her, watching as Hansel began examining the far wall, sniffing along it, perhaps searching for any signs that it was still being inhabited. She had smelled nothing, at least nothing that would tell her that another creature, one that could possibly her harmful to the duo was living here. It seemed pretty clear and Hansel?s nod to follow him in confirmed as much. He turned and came towards her, brushing against her. Yin returned the gesture, allowing her pale fur to rub against his in return, the gesture very familiar and comforting to the woman. We'll bed down there, I'm gonna go get some moss or some kind of bedding material. The ground isn't as soft in here as it is outside, probably because the drafts and whatever water has been in here in the past, but it'll do for tonight. Come morning, we'll go find your brother and see if we can find help. I'll be back soon, so go ahead and rest. There was no need for words, at least since she couldn?t really come up with anything other than okay, so she simply nodded in acknowledgement.

He began to turn to leave, but he hesitated at the last moment, returning to brush his muzzle against her. But before she could give him any type of reaction, he was out of the den to collect the bedding. Yin stared after him, audits resting against her head, pale brows furrowed together, haunches folding beneath the ivory woman as she sat herself right at the spot where the den opened up. Why had he done that? That touch had been more than merely the comforting sibling touch that they?d exchanged. Was something?brewing for Hansel? He was a pretty good-looking man, scars and all, but she?d never been with anyone that wasn?t her brother. They had just met a scarce hour or two ago?Their couldn?t be anything more than friendship brewing there, could there?

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