
Something something something Law & Order DUN DUN



Expert Fighter (190)

Advanced Intellectual (70)

5 Years
Extra large

Critical Fail!Treat 2019
07-10-2019, 09:45 PM
Geoffrey, too, could see which way the wind was blowing. He could see the consequences that they would reap if they docilely followed along with Aurielle's rule. Artur shook his head grimly at Viviane's attempt at a protest. "Then her best isn't good enough. We shouldn't have to struggle our whole lives because of her shortcomings, because she can't keep up with running her pack. She only ever takes care of her favorites and ignores everyone else." He clamped his jaws shut on the last bitter word and fought it back. They probably wouldn't go along with this if they just thought he was doing it out of spite. He took a deep breath and let it back out. "Valhalla's allies. If they are as important as Aurielle thinks they are, they must be able to help us. We go to one of them and say Aurielle sent us to trade for training for you because Paladin is so busy. I'm along to protect you because the older wolves are needed on the borders with Regulus and his mate both so sick, and we can trade my services for your training. We can't go to Lirim, it's too close and Aurielle probably checks in there too often since the alpha is her family. It'll have to be one of the other ones. Abaven might be best." He bounced his gaze between them, settling on Viviane. "Its my idea, so if Aurielle catches us you'll tell her the truth. I came up with the idea and made the two of you go along with it. It won't be your fault so she can't get mad at you, just me." His mouth formed into a grim line. Truth be told he looked forward to that inevitable confrontation, but he wouldn't get his siblings stuck between. That was why Caelia wouldn't be invited. She was too close to Aurielle now, and he didn't want to put her in that position, or test her loyalties - he was afraid of finding out they had shifted.