
When the doubts begin to whisper



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Healer (224)


VolcanoDream Weaver1KValentines 2020Christmas 2019Treat 2019
Promptober 2019
07-10-2019, 09:49 PM
Deathbelle yawned widely as she awoke from a nap sprawled out over the patio that lay beyond the entrance of her den. She enjoyed sleeping in the Autumn sun, but soon the weather would be much too cold for that activity. She wondered how much Luce would fight her about remaining den bound in the cold. Surely with her armor cape coming she could use her leopard skin as excuse enough to remain in the cold and not worry about the state of her litter.

She stretched and yawned again before finally finding her feet before her gaze was caught by the brilliance of the night sky before Seer found her side. Her bright gaze fell on his huge fanged form as he lowered himself into a low bow. A warm smile fell over her features as his voice fell on her mismatched ears. ”See.. Sirius.” She greeted, her voice breaking with the emotion she felt she needed to choke back. ”You may rise.” She barely whispered as she held in the emotion she’d poured out to him recently.

The two of them had been apart for a long time, but she still knew him, and she knew something was different between them tonight. She took in a short breath and did her best to compose herself despite the fiery pain that raced through her veins. She couldn’t hide the sadness from her eyes, but she could hide her eyes from him. Belle looked away from her beloved.

”Yes, I’d like for you to patrol with me.” She said shortly, emotionless because if she didn’t her displeasure of how far apart they had to be would become more clear. He may have spurned her, but he had good reason and she couldn’t begin to bestow blame upon him. He couldn’t be a slave if there would ever be any chance of them being together. He had held the Samurai rank since he stepped foot in Ashen. In Belle’s eyes he was no longer a slave.

Her paws carried her toward the path to the top of the ravine. ”I wanted to speak about your rank as well.” She told him as she further pushed down the emotions that filled her.

Deathbelle wears a rosebud tiara that is not shown in her art.