
Something something something Law & Order DUN DUN



Expert Fighter (190)

Advanced Intellectual (70)

5 Years
Extra large

Critical Fail!Treat 2019
07-10-2019, 10:00 PM
Artur nodded as both siblings reached the same conclusion as he did concerning the idea of dragging an onger or something that far. Too much work for too little gain. Artur shrugged indifferently at Viviane's additional suggestion. Stop complicating the damn plan, he thought irritably, but aloud said only, "One land hunting ground is as good as another. If you think it will help we can offer that."

He was getting annoyed with the obstacles and complications Viviane kept throwing up, but he couldn't simply dismiss them out of hand if he was going to keep both his siblings on board with his plan. So he took a calming breath and let it out through his nose, fixing Viviane with what he hoped was an encouraging smile. "Just tell them that you're trading the furs for healing lessons from a friend outside the pack. There isn't a rule saying we can't have friends and learn outside of the pack is there? And it's the truth, we are trading for training. They don't need to know where. Don't worry about it." He gave them both that same, hopefully-encouraging smile that didn't reach his eyes.

"The sooner we go the less time there is for circumstances to change on us." And less time for Aurielle to poke her nose in. "If we all go back the ways we came we can go to the den and pick out some furs and supplies and leave in the morning before anyone even thinks to ask. Don't leave in the same direction or at the same time and no one will have any reason to be suspicious and follow us." He lifted his head, already staring determinedly off towards the east.