


07-19-2013, 05:21 PM

To say that he was in awe was a bit of an understatement, and it clearly was written on the man's face. He'd never dreamed he'd ever be a father - or at least know he was a father - but now that he was, he was sure it was the best thing he'd ever accomplished in his life so far. He rested his head on the earth, being sure to keep at least one chrome eye on his children at all times. He knew that Jupiter's pain would soon ebb away, and if there were no late-birth complications she would be just fine. "Wonderful." He remarked in response to the third chosen name, Ananke. Two girls and a boy, two daughters and a son. A smile creeped across his lips, remaining there for some time as the two sat enraptured in the beauty that were these three new lives. He rose his head upward as she did the same, wondering what was rousing her so suddenly. Then it came, her command that she needed to call a pack meeting outside. The smile faded from his lips as his brow furrowed slightly. He quickly relaxed himself - this was her decision to make. "Outside," he chided, with a certainty to his tone. No one was coming inside without his consent. The children would most likely sleep, and he would be near the entrance of the den if one of them got into any trouble. Besides, the pack needed to know what had occurred, and how life would change now that three new additions had just been added to the ranks. It was important that they do this, and so he nodded - swallowing a lump in his throat. With a final glance to his children, Marvel roused himself upward. "Let's do this then."