
DeArchon Pups!



5 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!
07-13-2019, 11:30 AM (This post was last modified: 07-13-2019, 03:22 PM by Malleus.)

Name: Dantalion Abraxas
Sex: Female
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Skills: Hunting and Fighting
Height/Build: Light build for sure, idk about height
Personality: Seemingly in harmony with her delicate appearance, Dantalion gives off the impression that she is above dirtying her paws. She is, after all, a lady. If she were human she appears to be the kind who wouldn’t stoop so low as to do yard work, instead paying an ambitious neighborhood rugrat to take care of her leaves. You would most definitely expect her to have a cute pool boy and perhaps a Jeeves or two to bring her shrimp cocktails while she sunbathes.

Looks can be deceiving, though, and this is one book it would be a mistake to judge by its cover. Dantalion is much too ambitious to let a little dirt slow her down. Harmless and fragile though she may appear, Dantalion is not a china doll and she is not as much of a lady as she thinks she is.

Her words are often pithy and she is fond of insults, but the slights are veiled and usually come in the form of backhanded compliments that are delivered so sweetly the recipient might think the insult was accidental - if they even catch it at all.

Though she would feint offense when faced with this truth, it is true nonetheless: Dantalion is a sneaky shit disturber. Everyone has a pastime and hers just happens to be that she likes inciting riots. She doesn’t want to be the one smashing windows and setting fires, but she’ll happily encourage those that do if she can benefit in some way. Half the fun comes from bending someone’s ear - the other half is getting away with it.

With her hobby being what it is it might seem like she might thrive in a chaotic environment, but that’s not true for her. Cake is nice, but you wouldn’t want to eat it for every meal, would you? Dantalion is quite practical and levelheaded, and she prefers order to chaos most of the time - it would be awfully hard to claw her way up the ranks if there were was no structure to climb.
Plot Ideas: No plans beyond being a naughty puppy
Purchases: Extra pup slot yes. Not sure about height yet
Malleus has a barbary macaque companion named Pascal. Unless he is mentioned IC it's safe to assume he's not with Malleus.