
[CLOSED] Hutch Litter Adopt

1/1 - hannibal & dutch



4 Years

Critical Fail!
07-13-2019, 02:59 PM (This post was last modified: 08-01-2019, 02:43 PM by Dutch.)
Welcome to the Dutch x Hannibal litter applications! We have a grand total of 1 Pup for Audition! This'll be a litter of 3. The other two belong to Daisy and Dragon! Auditions will close July 31 (i think). we may close early if we find the perfect pup application!

Seeing as this is my first litter on site, I’ll be actively involved in the raising of these pups. As will Kara with Hannibal. Dutch and he are not mates, but they will be co-parenting together. As such, there are plans for Dutch to go to Ashen so Hannibal can be involved in their lives. Lots of parent and kid threads and sibling closeness too! Consider these pups Ashen Pups. Both parents will be involved equally and Dutch harbors no ill will toward the pups and the father about her situation. They will be loved, cherished and raised with both parents’ ideals.

The names primarily will be Norse or even Precious Metals/Gemstone names to fit and the surname will be Ahlberg-Klein. But being respectful of Hannibal, some Old English/Literature Names will be chosen for at least one pup. The height should be assumed Small-to-Large with any Build. Hannibal is Large/Medium and Dutch is Small/Heavy.

Be creative! Have fun!

Suggested names by Dutch: Fafnir, Baldr, Shale, Mithril, Bjorn, Yggdrasil, Ragnarök, Frey, Gimli, etc.
Suggested names by Hannibal: Cobra, Serpent, Varyna, Ghost, Opal, Leviathan. Obsidian. Steel. Iron. Voltage. Magma. Molten. Bane. Demise. Dread Fathom. Abyss. Abyssal. Tectonic. Element. Flame. Hate. Alabaster. Porcelain. etc.

Taken Names: Godbrand / Male (daisy, taken design), ?? / Unknown Gender (dragon, taken design)

Kara and I have the right to take back a pup and its design if you fail to be active with them! We’re asking for at least a few posts a month. You are quite free to make your own design and apply. These are just suggestions by us.

1. Reference
2. Reference
3. Reference
4. Reference
5. Reference
6. Reference
7. Reference
8. NEW reference
note; more designs will be added by us soon!

[b]OOC NAME:[/b] your name
[b]Name of Pup:[/b] pup's name
[b]Gender:[/b] male or female
[b]Focuses on: [/b] skillset, just a general idea you’re free to change later

[b]Reference w/ Description: [/b] 100 words for appearance. Make sure to include Height and Build!
[b]Personality: [/b] 150 Words

[b]Goals/Plot Ideas: [/b] it's ok if you put something simple down! They’re children; we don’t expect you to have grand plans with them before they’re RPed!
[b]Attitude Toward Family: [/b] a biggie! What do they feel about their parents, siblings, half-sibs, cousins??

[b]RP Sample: [/b] 100 word minimum.
[b]Cost: [/b] are you ok with paying for a pup? What other purchases do you want to include?
dutch speaks with a thick scandinavian accent.