
A lesson from the Devil.



5 Years

The Ooze ParticipantVolcanoCritical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
07-13-2019, 06:12 PM

Pyrrhic leaned over to look at Tsarvix's handiwork. He nodded his approval and then went on to answer his companion's second question. "Next we take this small stick," he said, motioning for Benkos' wife to bring forward the pieces in question. The sticks were about as big around and long as a human pinky. "And we work it sideways into the split stopping just shy of the base of the split so it doesn't make it deeper." He demonstrated, and then held up the stick for Tsarvix to see. "If you'll give the spear to her she'll tie the stick in place," he said, motioning to Benkos' wife. Pyrrhic handed his off to Benkos.

When Benkos handed the spear back the stick had been firmly tied to the spear and the cord had been woven in on itself so that the loose ends were tucked inside. Tsarvix's would be the same. "Next we're going to sharpen the tines." He did as he'd done with the shaving, only this time chipping away at only the ends of the tines so that they became sharp. "And then they're done."

Pyrrhic leaned back and eyed the spear contemplatively. "Though they are useful and fearsome, they aren't very formidable by themselves, are they?" He looked up at Tsarvix and then went on to say, "But if you fill a pit full of them they'll kill anything that falls on them. A whole line of them can be stuck into the ground with the points facing out, and any animal will think twice about approaching."

"You are like this spear." Hopefully Tsarvix was following all of this. Pyrrhic poked at the pointy tines and noted their sharpness. "Risen will sharpen you, make you a weapon for the cause, but you can't take on the world by yourself. One soldier makes a poor army."

He studied Tsarvix, his gaze intense as he tried to will him to listen and understand. The mortal had a way of asking difficult questions and then jumping to simple conclusions instead of allowing Pyrrhic to put together a layered answer. "Do you understand now why there is still work to be done before we conquer Boreas?"

"Pyrrhic" "Benkos"
Pyrrhic has a male mandrill companion named Benkos. Unless he's mentioned IC it's safe to assume he's not with Pyrrhic.