
drinking sacred fire



3 Years

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveChristmas 2019
07-13-2019, 08:22 PM

Spending more time with Valkyrie had only continued to prove what Eyrun had already been certain of - that she was meant to be here, among like-minded wolves as well as family. Slowly they would make a name for themselves and their people, all in due time... and, apparently under Valkyrie's watchful guidance, Boreas would come to know of them even more quickly than she'd expected.

Today, though, they were taking a break from watching over the wolves they'd captured to find more supplies. Whether for themselves or for their upcoming market, it didn't matter much; it was all profit, and bringing riches to themselves would only aid them in bringing glory to their gods at the end of it all.

What she didn't expect to encounter today was a young polar bear, leering at them from a distance over the kill they'd taken down. Eyrun was muzzle-deep in their meal, but the interruption caused her to quickly jerk her head upright and return the glare tenfold. Though a sneer tugged at her lips, it shifted quickly into a smirk at Valkyrie's words. 'There are some creatures fit only for warming and cushioning the bed,' she explained, earning a sharp laugh from the younger female. "Like the first runt you captured?" She quipped back, referring to Balsam, casting an amused look Valykrie's way before redirection her attention to the target at hand.

"If you want him, we ought to take him, don't you think?" Eyrun asked, her voice taunting the polar bear more than anything else. Valkyrie surely knew that she'd be hard-pressed to find scenario in which Eyrun wouldn't quickly jump to aid her when she saw something she wanted - these things were rightfully deserved, so long as they had the strength to take them. Eyrun looked like she was about to pounce at the signal, slowly lapping blood from her lips as she surveyed the bear and felt a low growl rising from deep within her chest.