
Bright Eyes



4 Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze Participant
07-13-2019, 11:04 PM
"I don't expect you to let someone belittle and mock you, I do however, expect you to respond in a manner befitting a man. You want to defend your honor, fine. Fight those that call it into question as any man would. But this, Azazel?"

His ears folded back and he averted his gaze like a pup being scolded. He hadn't realized someone else had been nearby, and he hadn't even quite been sure why he had chosen to act the way he had. His mind was all fucked up, he could feel it, and all he could do was attribute it to his mother abandoning him and his birth pack completely ignoring him his entire puphood. He had come to Risen to seek out more power. To get stronger and conquer the world with them, but they hadn't even done much conquering, and he was starting to question the power that Risen boasted. Even so, they had given him a home and a place among them when Celestial had failed to do that. "I'm sorry," He murmured to Malleus, teeth gritting as he stood there and listened.

"He mocked you and it was for that reason that you threaten him with rape? To 'hurt his pretty little body' if he didn't submit? Look at this from my perspective: how am I, your leader, supposed to trust you with the safety of my pack when you are willing to do something like that to someone you are supposed to protect and defend?" He couldn't deny that the things Rain had said prickled his pride. His ego even. Perhaps he had gone too far, but he wasn't ready to admit that. He wasn't even sure if he would have gone through with the whole thing...He had never done anything like that, and his strange attraction to Rain had confused him even more. Maybe it was also his drive for power that had egged him on...he wasn't sure. He stepped back and looked at Malleus as he was questioned. "I can't make you trust me. Nor could I make my birth pack see that I was willing to work for them." His lip twitched at the thought of his old pack. He wanted so badly to seek revenge against their lazy asses, but he wasn't sure what Malleus would do if he decided to strike first. "Do with me what you will." He would leave it at that, and he'd wait for either punishment, or to be dismissed.

If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!