
Archbelle babies!



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
07-15-2019, 12:59 PM (This post was last modified: 08-03-2019, 04:44 AM by Acere.)
Name: Noxious Klein-Abraxas
Sex: Female
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Skills: Fighting x Intellect
Height/Build: 34" but I can possibly do 42"+ light - medium build
Appearance: 10; 3
Wrapped in earthen colors, Nox takes after her father more in appearance than her mother. Her coat imitates that of iron-oxide, a rusty hue adorning her powerful frame. A faded silvery hue on her face, back, underside, and left hind leg give the appearance that the color has been drained from her bodice. But she's okay with that, because she believes that God made her perfect in his eye. Mottled and striped beautifully from head to toe, the Fallen God spared no expense when he painted her. She almost resembles a tigress and she carries all the cunning, power, and strength of one. Her fur is soft and silky, plush tail carried over her hips as she always shows a dominant posture towards most. Crown is held high, deep green eyes always scrutinizing those she feels are below her.
Loyal to her crown and to her God, Noxious takes her fathers teachings quite seriously. Like him, she's a religious fanatic (no offense), and will do everything in her power to carry out the will of her Fallen God. She was born from him, shaped and molded into perfection and her heart and soul belong to him. Mortals are simply objects to be used to reach higher goals, and those who don't bend to the will of her God are cast aside like the filth they are. One might even say that if she could marry the Fallen God, she probably would. The babe is a queen in all her rights, not only from birthright but because of the blood she shares. She can be a competitive individual and her brash attitude may lead her into disputes with some, though she generally gets along with everyone unless there's an immediate reason for her to dislike someone. She doesn't like to be disrespected, and the second she feels she is disrespected at all, she won't hesitate to knock you down a peg.
Plot Ideas: Likely to turn into a zealot about her Fallen God, might end up getting into disputes with others about it, maybe. Guess that depends on what happens ICly but I'd definitely like for her to strictly follow the religious path like her daddy!
Purchases: Yes


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!