
Because, you know, I'm a pirate



10 Years
Extra large

Valentines 2020
07-15-2019, 11:29 AM
His words sparked more of a reaction now, and his crooked grin grew even as his eyes narrowed into amused slits. "Oh come now, Rhyme," he purred. "I wouldn't hurt your boy. He is my blood, isn't he? Why, he is practically the spitting image of me. One would think he was mine rather than Rhyme's, wouldnt they, Ash? He would fit right in, in Legion. What a pity that he's stuck being raised by Destructions instead of where he belongs." He tilted his head to the side, eyes glinting in relish as he slid home the true threat. "It grieves me deeply, you see, and I simply couldn't bear it to have another litter ruined by this pack. To think that they would have to go through what poor young Noir is going through tears me." With the faintly mocking grin and lackadaisical stance, someone could be forgiven for thinking he was joking. But there was a sharp note to his voice, a razor's edge that cut through it, that put the truth behind his words.

The girl's voice broke in, quavery at first but hardening as she spoke. Chaos turned his attention fully to her, letting her ramble and waiting patiently through her contraction. "Of course, Sweetheart," he assured her, all gentle sweetness now that she had given her agreement. "No need to cry. We will take as long as we need to travel back so that they - and you - are safe and healthy when we arrive. After all, they will need their mother, won't they?" It would certainly be ideal to have her there rather than risk the pups while he looked for a wet nurse, and if letting her carry them with her ensured they came to Legion without a fight, it would be no sacrifice as far as he was concerned.

"This is a great gift you have given us," he continued softly, pouring on the charm now he had the agreement he sought, seeking to catch her gaze with an assuring smile. "It makes you special to Legion. You will be well treated."

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Unless otherwise mentioned as absent, assume that both Great Horned owl companions are nearby
Chaos speaks in a strong lisp, which I am usually too lazy to write