
Yours to command

Dragon, Koala



Advanced Fighter (100)

Advanced Intellectual (85)

11 Years
Dragon Mod

Trick 2019
07-15-2019, 11:56 AM
"Well you see, Deathbelle is my superior really. The most superior superior there is, and I'm very busy collecting things for her." She looked down her nose at the woman, her expression remaining stone cold at having been practically ignored moments before, and her thoughts on the matter did not change even now. This woman thought that because her sister was the alphess here, that she didn't have to do what she was told by the others? “Your Grace, this is Zee, handmaiden to the Empress”

Her ear twitched slightly as Sirius spoke, though she did not move from her position in front of the girl nor did her gaze waver. "Zee, you say?" The priestess learned her name, but didn't care for it. She was a slave. The lowest of the low in her eyes, and she would not tolerate her blatant disrespect. Now she knew the name of who she would be punishing for her insolence. She had heard of Belle's wishes for certain herbs, and obviously this woman had been taking her time in finding them. "My sister requested a few things, and you've failed to present them to her. You're obviously the worst handmaiden my sister's ever had," She tsked and shook her head, "A poor error in judgment, it seems."

She stuck her nose almost directly against Zee's own nose, bi-colored gaze drilling into hers, "Belle may own you, but all of us are your superiors, regardless of what your tiny brain may think. Do you understand? Or must I simplify it further for you?" She waited to see what the woman said before motioning for Sirius to come forward. Regardless of the slaves answer, she'd have Sirius show her what happened when a slave disobeyed.