
Venus in fur



Advanced Fighter (100)

Advanced Intellectual (85)

11 Years
Dragon Mod

Trick 2019
07-15-2019, 12:44 PM
"Wolves abound in these lands, that doesn't strike me as a particularly safe assumption to make." Pandora offered a coy smile, knowing all too well how true this was. Her own family wasn't too far away, and she knew that if she were ever in trouble or faced with some sort of danger she wasn't capable of handling on her own, they would come when she called. "You're not wrong, desert flower." She could smell the scent of a man on her, her curiosity spiking but she kept it hidden. Perhaps the woman wasn't so alone after all, not that Pandora cared. She didn't have any ill intentions of harming the woman, so she wasn't too worried about it. "I'm more surprised to see such a pretty little thing out braving the desert." "Perhaps I am full of surprises. Besides, I am not so afraid of the sun unlike some others," While yes, she was half albino, she knew all sorts of remedies to take care of sun blisters and was careful when it came to being out in the sun. She wasn't too worried about it today as long as she made it back before the desert sun was at its highest and hottest. The babe offered the priestess respite from it all, and she nodded her head in thanks.

She kept her pale side in view as she moved to stand in the shade and looked out over the water, noting its sparkling blue hue and the way the light breeze rippled its surface. "I admit to being curious both about how such a ravishing spirit find herselfs here as well as where she may come from." Her lips played up in a smirk as she glanced sideways with her rosy eye, "I could say the same for you, my dear. You're nearly just as pale as I am, after all." She chuckled. "As for where I am from, probably nowhere you've heard of. A region far from these lands, but a powerful one to say the least," She hinted. "If you'd allow me, I'd love to learn more about your pack, maybe why you chose to align yourself, if such a choice was made."

Ah, now that question was even easier to answer. She enjoyed providing information and those who asked questions in the quest for knowledge. "Of course, you may ask whatever you wish of me," The first question she posed was an easy one to answer, "The pack I reside in now is called Ashen, and I joined because one of my sisters recently laid claim to it." She turned to face the woman now, revealing her dark side. "The Kleins are a powerful family, we reigned supreme once, and thanks to my dear sister, we will reign supreme again." She sat down, neatly wrapping dual toned tail over her paws and sat up straight like a queen should, "My name is Pandora Klein, High Priestess of the Ashen Empire. What do the spirits call you besides a desert rogue?" Her voice wasn't unkind, and was instead, a little teasing as she breathed in the woman's scent. She smelled of the desert itself, quite different then the lake scent that the pack was starting to absorb.

WC: 541