
Untouchable. <3


07-19-2013, 10:29 PM

As Aeil's howl faded, she had watched the reactions of both wolves with a watchful eye. While one didn't so much as flinch, the other had a completely opposite one. Food flew and landed on the ground inches from the fae, who was obviously startled by Aeil's announcement of her presence. The whole thing would have been comical if Aeil hadn't been the one to scare the poor female. Aeil's dark ears immediately flattened to her skull as guilt washed over her.
Slowly, the stormy gray-furred fae walked towards Elysia. Her steps were small and docile, not rushed or pressed to run. Her form, thanks to the spring, looked more slender than when she had her winter coat. She looked less bulky and more approachable, which explained why Aeil was taking her time with reaching the stranger. Blue eyes looked from the quivering she-wolf to the food that rested nearby. With another quick glance, Aeil's mouth found its way around the fresh kill before raising her head.
Aeil's next set of actions proved that she was not a mean wolf. Instead of running off and taking the carcass with her to munch on selfishly, she carried it back to its original captor. Gentle motions were a part of Aeil's movements as she lowered it in front of the shaking female. Words that matched those motions followed soon after. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you," she said, eyes betraying the honesty that rang in her words. "If you would prefer I leave after doing such a thing, I will understand. I was just excited to see other females around these parts...I've only met males since I've been here." A light smile appeared on her face. She hoped that the stranger would be encouraged to speak after Aeil apologized.
