
Who will save me?



07-19-2013, 10:43 PM
It had been some time now since she met those wolves from this pack. They had seemed kind, fair even. And more than anything, the black female was drawn to the pack life. She wasn?t meant to live a life alone. Even with her past haunting her, she couldn?t ignore that her craved to be in a pack and to have something from her old life back. It couldn?t be helped with a wolf like her. There were few a are between that their main purpose in life was to be a den mother or father. She had known it was her calling in her old pack when the alpha had another litter after her own. And they even saw her dedication. She was a fierce protector of the pups and younger wolves.
As the warm began to set, it cast a olden red hue behind her as she stood at the scent markers. Her nerves raced, heart hammering away in her chest. She was really going to try again. But what if they denied her? Or she became their omega? Would they in return for her services, help her? There was no way she could fully open up to another wolf, never again after he had been betrayed by family and mate. Bt could she trust those enough in a pack to function enough to be part of it? One would only know if they tried right?
Sky blue eyes scanned the area before her head tilted back. A low soft howl, sweet as summer rain spilled from her lips out to he Valhalla pack. She howled for acceptance, seeking any wolf here and the alphas. It was time she took the first steps to moving on in life. She had made sure to groom to perfection and hunt prior to coming. appearance meant everything. The pack would only want healthy and strong wolves, not one that would want an extra mouth to feed. She had to prove she could pull her weight, prove her worth. And if they denied, will at least she gave it a shot.