
[CLOSED] Hutch Litter Adopt

1/1 - hannibal & dutch



4 Years

Treat 2019
07-15-2019, 10:08 PM (This post was last modified: 07-23-2019, 08:37 PM by Thoren.)
Name of Pup: Ragnarok
Focuses on: fighter & intellectual

Reference w/ Description: Reference 7

A base of dark cream, she is a sight to behold, angelic looking almost- really. Pink eyes and a pink nose compliment her delicate appearing face. Her forehead is painted with an almost arrow shape that goes from one side of her head to the other in a lighter cream. This color mingles with grey on her cheeks and the back of her neck. White mingles here and there on her throat and on the back of her neck by her shoulders. Dark cream and white stripe like marks cover her ribcage and flanks this pattern continues into her tail. Her legs are a darker cream mixed with grey, nails are white.

Build wise, she will be of medium build, both athletic and strong but she fails to excel at one or the other. She will be agile enough to keep up with most but strong enough to hold her own.

Determined- even at a such a young age there is a fire inside of the pup. There is a hunger to prove herself to her father and her mother- as well as anyone else that doubts her. It won’t occur to her til much later that she is trying to prove to herself that she is as great- if not better than- her parents. She pushes herself to be better in any way she can.

Stubborn- For a pup no one will have a harder head; once she gets something into her mind she will not let it go. She will keep pushing until she gets the result she wants. Her stubbornness will make her argue with others that try to change her opinion or that disagree with her opinion. She isn’t one to back down, reflected in her tone and her posture when she has made up her mind.

Defiant- When it comes to learning, she is all for it- but bossing her around is an entirely different story. A defiance appears when she is told to do something she doesn’t agree with…or just simply doesn’t want to do. She is a pup that needs to know why she is being told to do something a certain way and if she doesn’t like the answer she simply wont do it. She can be quite demanding as well because of her defiant nature.

Rebellious- to go along with the defiance, she isn’t a fan of rules and restrictions. She doesn’t like being restrained and bound by rules that frankly, don’t mean anything to her yet. She will keep everyone on there toes trying to keep up with her, she has an adventurous mind and it will not be chained- she will be likely to run off and explore on her own.

Manipulative- She gets it from her father and even at a young age she shows that she has an eye for exploiting weaknesses. She is far more intelligent than she lets on and is quick to observe those around her and learn what buttons to push and strings to pull. Her manipulative nature will start small focusing on small things but as she matures so will her manipulative nature.

Goals/Plot Ideas: a lot of her adult personality will be shaped with I teractions. That being said, a few key plot points id like to happen are:
1. Being trained by Hannibal a bit, I'd like her to idolize him a bit but also defy him as well.
2. Get into some scuffles.
3. Learn from others and learn 'the hard way' about life and things.
4. Have a crush that eventually puts her off from having kids..ever. (not saying she won't have a litter but yeah)
Attitude Toward Family: while she will love her mother, she will grow up resenting a few things about her mom. Her sterness will frustrate her and the culture Dutch grew up with will likely be something she is repulsed by. Again, she will still love her though.

Father, this is largely dependent on the interaction she has with her father but she will likely either adore him, despise him, or feel neutrally about him. She will idolize his fierceness and skills in battle, but may not 100% agree with his ideals and morals and may try to rebel against them if he tries force anything on her.

Siblings she will always care for. She will always have their back and may be over protective of them as they mature.

Half siblings she will be a bit more aloof with, perhaps even jealous of if they have a better relationship with their father.
RP Sample: 100 word minimum.
Cost: should be free?