
caravan blues

seasonal prompt, twig



Expert Fighter (210)

Expert Hunter (185)

10 Years

VolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
07-16-2019, 01:34 PM
Twig had taken to hunting outside of Abaven as much as she could. The girl had seen her fair share of danger, but it hadn’t stopped her from trying to provide for her pack. Her uncle Solor had returned, meeting with him had been interesting and this had been the last place she expected to meet him. It was good to know she had family ties here as well as growing friendships. When she heard the call for a hunting partner as was close enough that she could appear before the summoner quickly.

Dainty paws carried her pale striped form over the twisted maze of tree trunks and roots, bringing her to face the mottled she wolf. Autumn offered a quick smile in greeting as she too noticed the tell tale signs of a herd having come through here. Her quarry was obvious, and Twig started to become eager. There didn’t seem to be a great number of deer, and in this kind of terrain they wouldn’t be able to use their full array of defenses. Navigating something like this with tiny thin hooves would put the ruminating creatures at a huge disadvantage. She and this woman would have little trouble in the end.

Twig approached with a quick bark to allow the woman to know where she was. She didn’t want to further spook the deer by creating a ruckus. She nodded quickly as she presented herself first. ”My skill are at your disposal.” Twig started. ”I just ask for my fair share when we’re done.” She wanted her fair share, which in the end might not be 50%. ”What’s your plan?” Twig took a seat and perked her creamy ears in the direction of the stranger. Her form did not relax however, the building tension was easy to see in the way her muscles coiled. She sat, prepared to spring at any moment.

Abaven had been plagued by cats recently, and she had to keep in mind the possibility of running into one of them here. Where wolves had advantage over deer in this landscape any cat would have advantage over the two of them.
