
Calling all the monsters


07-19-2013, 11:19 PM
Optics fixated on a grey form as it came out of the shadows further up from the water. When the other wolf's cranium dipped, hers did also, although it was marginal and probably not noticed unless one was truly looking at the woman. A slight smirk curled her lips and her black tipped ears pricked forward. She blinked as he addressed her, almost making her shiver. It had been a while since she'd really talked to anyone or had anyone answer her.

"Only passing through, I assure you." She spotted his smirk and tilted her head down a little, curling her tail around herself. He was confident and self assured....that was good in a brute. It showed he had brass, knew that he looked good and all that sort of stuff. "It's nice to see someone else out here for a change. Usually it's just me. I'm Tallis." Well, now she had a name from him...should she be truly horrid and not give him her name in return?

As the water came up and almost touched her rump, she rose from her seated position smoothly. A cheeky little giggle bubbled forth from her voice box and she shook off all the dark sand that had attached itself to her.
"I'm also passing through." The fea stated lightly,swishing her tail a little as she walked to his right while still keeping the distance between them. Her 35 inches of height might come in handy here, give him a bit of a challenge if he wanted to play a dark game with her.

But she was not so blood thirsty today for some reason, the sun had warmed her and kept her surprisingly docile.
"It is a nice enough beach...too bad others don't come here. But then again, I suppose it's better to be secluded than everyone and their companion traipsing all over it. Pleasure to meet you Tallis, my name's Bast." The devious beast had chosen to supply him with her real name, and why shouldn't she? He was interesting enough that she'd talk with him and he was bound to have a few surprises to offer her during their conversation. "Now that we're introduced...what shall we talk about?" She questioned, seeing if his confidence would lead into words and wasn't only for appearances.