Calm my Anxious Mind
She had been so consistent and persistently pacing that her companions had long grown board of watching her. The nocturnal marsupial had retreated inside the den while the board foraged a few yards away from her. Both creatures had tried to comfort or distract her, but nothing had helped. She had been a mess since she had realized her uncle had left. She knew what he had left to do and the sickening fears made her gut churn and knot. Today Uncle Ace was challenging her father to a death match. She had no doubts in her uncle's fighting ability, but the anxious part of her worried that her father would perhaps play dirty, have uncle ambushed, or something else ill would happen. The thought of loosing him was driving her crazy. Uncle and Ignis were the closest wolves in her life and she couldn't stand the thought of loosing either of them.
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Boris the Boar and Lorenzo the opossum are assumed to be with her at all times.
Note: I do not have a reference of her scars yet, please refer to her appearance section of profile to read about them