
Do you know where the wild things go?



11 Years
Athena I
07-20-2013, 12:17 AM

The pale fea's ears twitched as she heard the sound of an approaching wolf. It barely phased her. Normally she would have instantly been on alert, looking for the source of the noise, trying to tell if they were friend or foe. Perhaps it was the blood loss making her mind so fuzzy and causing her to be so tired. That would make sense. She lazily glanced down at herself, seeing the dark blood that was caked onto most of her fur. She gave a short chuckle at the sight. She was a mess. Yet, she still couldn't bring herself to give more than the mildest cares. She just wanted to go to sleep. Sleep sounded lovely. Perhaps she could lay down here, take a nap. She could always clean herself up after she woke up...

Suddenly a voice broke the silence. Hmm? Her ears twitched at the sound and she slowly lifted her amethyst to meet the apparently concerned brute. She blinked at him and a small smile touched her muzzle. "I suppose I am," she replied, her voice soft and weak. She pulled herself to her paws to step down from the bolder she had perched herself on, only to imidiately lose her footing. Her legs were weak and they buckled under her, sending her tumbling to the ground, landing flat on her injured back. Pain shot through her system, jarring her out of the drowsy fog the blood loss had put her in. She cried out from the pain, her eyes shut tight and her teeth clamping together, cutting the cry short. With a low growl rumbling in her chest she rolled over onto her side so she was facing away from the brute, clearly showing the gash that made a harsh, bloody line along her shoulder blade. Her ears folded back against her head and she gritted her teeth as she waited for the worst of the pain to pass.
