
★ Boil, Boil Toil and Trouble [Nav/Healing]



3 Years

Trick 2019Promptober 2019
07-17-2019, 08:20 PM

Chrysanthos pondered the words of the steel blue woman. She was right, he didn't know for certain that the volcano was heating the springs but he did imagine that whatever internal system fed the volcano was also feeding the springs. But why were they getting so hot now? "Hmmm, I'm not sure what else could be heating them. There's probably some sort of shared geothermal system of some kind but I have no idea why its acting up now. The redbud forest south of here is still young, much of the vegetation looks to have been killed off not that long ago, possibly from some sort of fire or maybe even an eruption but I can only guess." Surely the drought wouldn't affect the heat of the springs? He truly had no idea. There might be less water and perhaps it heated up more quickly as a result but then the ebony woman spoke and he felt his stomach sink. So she had felt a tremor! Oh, he really didn't like this.

"I don't suppose there's a way to tell how often a volcano might erupt? I wonder what the other signs are." He looked to the two women wondering if either of them might have more insight.

Bolla reached out to hand him some scraps of hide and he shook his head. "Ah, thanks Bolla but she's burnt her nose, I think a paste with some bentonite clay would be more suitable." The lemur scrambled back into the pack and started tossing out jars and bundles before settling on a scrap of hide filled with the moist clay.

The women introduced themselves as Aralanne and Eris and he dipped his head again. "A pleasure! Thank you miss Aralanne. I assume you're familiar with dandelions? Would you be able to grab me a few? I don't carry them with me since they're so common this time of year. If you can get the whole plant including the root that would be most excellent!"

He turned his attention back to Eris. "I find Marigold flowers to be most excellent in treating burns of many severities, among other uses. Dandelions get a bad wrap as weeds but they can help bring down inflammation when applied topically. In a moderate or serious burn I'd recommend adding something that will help against infection, like elder, and also something a bit stronger to help with the pain like wintergreen. I suppose depending on the severity you may need to take bleeding into account but in most cases a burn will be cauterized."