
Killer in the Mirror [DM]



Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
07-18-2019, 12:29 PM

"Ignis is not the one I chose to follow." He didn't have a response for that just yet. He knew Ignis was young and inexperienced, probably too much to lead. He wasn't very well known around Winterfell's members, either. And he was sure there would have been others who would feel the same as her. It was a good thing he was coming back then...she continued. Her words hitting home for him. For so long he had been so independent, handling things on his own so that others wouldn't get hurt. He didn't want a repeat of his past, when he lost her. So he had opted to go this alone...but perhaps Heloise was right. He just wasn't sure how to admit that, let alone come to terms that he really wasn't alone in these sort of things. "I know...I just...I couldn't let anyone stop me from doing this. Not this..." He took a deep breath and exhaled. He was sure someone would have tried to stop him. And he didn't know what he would have done if they had tried. Would he have fought them? The reasons were a bit too personal to explain, and he felt like maybe nobody would understand. But then again...maybe they would, if they knew what his brother had been like. If others had shown up to his challenge or witnessed him killing Elias without knowing why he had done it, would they see him as a monster? His gaze darkened at the thought, so he was glad that nobody had witnessed it and that it was only Heloise here now.

"Would you like to bury him?" He considered it for a moment. He hadn't thought about burying him at first, and on the way here had debated just leaving his body there to rot and to let the vultures pick away at his corpse. Ruina's demons demanded the bodies be feasted upon, but Acere could not stomach the thought, nor would he have cannibalized his brothers corpse or anyone else's corpse for that matter. He wished Elias had had a similar mindset...and despite his brother eating his own daughter's body for whatever sick reasons the demons commanded, Acere would not partake in that religion. He had long ago abandoned them. With furrowed brows, he quietly nodded and turned away, keeping his back to the she-wolf so that she couldn't see the tears that continued to slip quietly down his face. The drizzling rain was steady now, but at least it made it easier for him to start digging. Once his claws started pulling away the dirt, he would dig furiously, steadily. It was the only thing he could really focus on right now that would keep him from a breakdown.
