
Can you Hear the Siren call? (rogue hunt)


07-20-2013, 04:16 AM

Midnight had been helping in the search for a cave, many that they had found where small and though their number had reduced since they had first left the northern reaches most where to still to small to accommodate the group, still she moved between the few available options checking each not only for size and warmth but also for scents or any other signs of wolves, coyotes or bears. So far she had found no trace of the latter and only the passing traces that spoke of rouge wolves and migrant coyotes. She let out a long sigh sitting for a moment in the mouth of one of the more spacious dens, so much had changed but they where still a family there was no doubt in her mind of that, she could see the rest even now moving about their jobs each doing what they must so that they could all survive and they would survive.

This had been the first time she had seen the beach the water and sand in such large qualities had been foreign to her, but it was beautiful she looked forward to taking a break after they had settled the pups in and checked the area to just wander along the beach figure out some of the new scents that where here and work out what grew in these parts, she was at best an apprentice healer but at the moment it was all hands on deck and she would of coarse offer her services where she could. Her ears pricked as the wing brought gargoyles call soaring over the cries of the sea birds it could only have been his voice calling for a hunting party and she smiled, stretching she climbed to her paws, it would be nice to get out for a proper hunt her last one well it must have been months ago certainly before all this travelling, she gave a yip to inform those nearby, the team she had been working with, that she was going hunting then started down the steeply sloping bank at a trot.

It took her only a few moments to reach gargoyles hulking form and the two others that had already gathered, she offered a nod and a grin to awaken she had for a time harboured feelings for the brute but she accepted that he had found his mate in Merciane the other was a stranger to her but she offered a smile all the same before turning to gargoyle and offering a shallow bow ?chief,? she dropped to her haunches glancing around before continuing, ?you chose a good spot, plenty of dens and no obvious signs of predators, its good to have you with us this time,? moving to tortouga had been chaotic to say the least not only had winter been upon them making movement harder and colder but the underlying fear that they where chasing ghosts had haunted her at least, all the way through the journey and had not abated till she had laid eyes on their alpha once more . No it had been far easier this time far more organised, a leader does mean a lot, she thought.
