
Lucky Catch



11 Years
07-20-2013, 04:24 AM (This post was last modified: 07-20-2013, 04:26 AM by Bane.)
Bane whined and hiked up his bleeding right foreleg in discomfort. The shoulder had been fine but his Talutah mark had been bisected with jagged gash. And that was all right. It was just pain. Bane could deal with that. Its all it was, just a bit of pain. Pain was manageable.

But what was really the problem was that the branch sticking out the from of his pelt and across his bleeding shoulder, the one with the Talutah mark. That one. That was the injury was what he was most concerned about. Bane heard a gasp and almost thought that it was he who made it, but no, it was she-wolf. Surprise along with a grimace of pain creased his face, fangs gritting in sharp agony as each breath he took caused the branch embedded in is side to shift with his expanding sides. How'd she even hear him, let alone find him. These lands, a howl seemed to only go for a mile or so before being swallowed up buy the air.

Now Bane knew what being impaled by a buck felt like. "No! Don't go!" Bane snarled and squeezed his eyes shut. By the three gods it hurt! Apologize's would come later but right now he needed this females help. "And yes, the ahhhh, break this fucking branch, and make sure you pull it out straight." Bane adjusted his stance with a minuscule hop and snarled in discomfort. "I, I think it's smooth bark, just, just pull it out after breaking it. Then, if I don't die from shock, keep me awake, I don't want to pass out and not wake up. Just talk to me."

Bane braced himself and leaned back a few degrees and eyed his side. He was bleeding at a steady flow, which was good. No spurting. Now he needed to tell this she-wolf what to do after the branch came out.?"When this comes out use your paws to push the wound together, like pinching a fish between them and... ahhh, and nose some dry dirt onto it to help clot the surface it up, but make sure I bleed some before you do that. The more foreign debris that gets out of me the better."
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•