
national anthem


07-20-2013, 09:43 AM

Galileo twitched his tail in acknowledgement of Tiberious' words, letting his blue gaze wander back out across the view that sprawled out beneath them. He could get used to living in a place like this. "Food's overrated," Galileo responded with a teasing tone to his words, ears pricking in Tiberiou's direction as stretched lazily, his gaze never leaving the territory beneath them. Tortuga. It would take time to get used to that.

Twitching his ears when Tiberious spoke, Galileo shook his head slightly. "This is the first time." The pup responded with a slightly nod, "You?" Had Tiberious ever been here before? It seemed like the kind of place that a wolf could get some peace in. That was something that Galileo was starting to need. Peace to sort through his thoughts and to find that equilibrium that let him shove all of his fear aside and be brave. But that was getting easier now, wasn't it? He could hold conversations with others, and maybe some day he would be able to properly protect his family. Nothing like Eos would ever happen to them again.

Turning thoughtfully towards his cousin, Galileo tilted his head slightly, "What do you think of Tortuga?" What did his cousin think of this strange new land? Did he like it? Did he, like Galileo, miss their old home?
