
Haust Blót

Valkyrie 1


5 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantCritical Fail!Trick 2019
07-21-2019, 04:48 PM (This post was last modified: 07-21-2019, 04:57 PM by Valkyrie 1.)
It was time. With Alfrun's help the band was ready for the haust blót. Though this one would be a touch different, Valkyrie had fond memories of the autumn sacrifices she'd participated in as a child. For one she was inviting all of Boreas to attend. That in itself wasn't unusual because sacrificial feasts such as this one could be for anyone. What made this one different was the cultural makeup of those invited. It was likely none in attendance would know anything about who or what Hjarrandi was giving thanks to.


They would find out soon enough. As Hjarrandi's priestess, Alfrun would be leading them in giving thanks and Valkyrie was confident in her aunt's ability to bring order to the oblivious masses. The scene had been set to the Hexe's specifications. In front of Valkyrie waiting to be lit was a massive pyramid of dry wood. In addition to being symbolic and part of the festivities, the fire would serve as a beacon to guide those who would be attending.

Behind her, its legs bound tightly with grapevine, was a black stallion. The beast had been somewhere between inconsolable and enraged earlier in the day so for the safety of all involved it had been drugged into submission. It lay with its head hanging off a short stone altar and its nose pressed against the earth below.

Settled loosely around the clearing and heavily around the stallion were low tables laden with gourds of mead and wine. Hjarrandi had spared no expense in the festivities. In addition to being a time of worship for the norsemen, the events planned for the next week were meant to bring awareness to the band. Invitations had been sent to all of the packs in Boreas in the hopes that they would attend and see what Hjarrandi had to offer. Though she wouldn't hide the raiding aspect of it by any means, Valkyrie meant to heavily advertise the trading side of the band after the blót. If she had her way they would be known for two things: their ruthlessness in battle and the quality of their goods.

Valkyrie waited until the sun began its descent and then she lit the autumnal pyre. The fire was slow to catch but when it did it grew rapidly and filled not only the clearing but the surrounding woods with a warm light that could be seen for miles. It was time. She threw back her head and invited the whole of Boreas to join her in a feast. The rogues, the pack wolves, the travelers with no ties to the land - all were welcome.

OOC: Free food and drink yo! Everyone who is not a captive in Hjarrandi is welcome! This blót will be followed by market day and it can be assumed that travelers will be given places to sleep between now and then if they choose to stay. Participants have until the 25th to get here before Valkyrie and Alfrun begin speaking.


This character has a noticeable Icelandic accent!
Valkyrie also has a female melanistic japanese macaque named Inga. Unless she's mentioned IC it's safe to assume she's not with her master.
It can be assumed that Valkyrie has a bear skull mask hanging from a strap around her neck at all times.