
ivory cage




8 Years
07-22-2019, 08:04 PM

Hannibal wasn't eager to settle down with any of the femme's he was around. Circe was a bed made of duty and lust, Deathbelle was pregnant with Archon's spawn, and Dutch seemed to be a free spirit and he would have to get to know her better if they ever even met again. The idea of growing old with a femme made his heart flutter due to his Wolfish instincts to mate for life. But, his situation made such rather difficult. Despite everything the male had his priorities set on being a great Father and a proper Alpha. Those two things were all that mattered despite the well being of the pack and his family.

The white and black Abraxas embraced him with ease. Hannibal held no hesitation in accepting her touches and kisses. A gentle exhale could be heard in response. As they gently broke away her breathy tones filled his eager ears. His tattered ear flicked as the other pressed back in a slight concerned expression. A low and short whine could be heard from his throat before the male moved to brushed his nose against her belly. "I am glad you are healthy.." Hannibal aimed to be positive and to support the larger babe. "Have you made yourself at home in Ashen? We should find you a good den for the birth that is close to my own." A firm nod could be seen. Hannibal tried not to be too aggressive in his will to help but also enjoyed offering as much as he could. As a male he could not identify with the discomfort but as an Alpha he could make her experience one of slight comfort.. Though, he did have a slightly more curious thought as his head perked up to look her in the eyes, "Have you thought of names?"


This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.