
what do we do? we swim, swim, swim




Master Fighter (330)

Master Healer (246)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

8 Years
Dire wolf

LegendarySamhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1By the skin of my teethOverachiever
Festival OrganizerMammoth HunterIce Bridge ExplorerWinnerPride - AsexualBeevent
Double MasterVolcanoExplorer1KChristmas 2019Trick 2019
Promptober 2019
07-22-2019, 08:22 PM (This post was last modified: 07-22-2019, 09:04 PM by Firefly Festival NPC.)
I'll tough it out, I won't give in

"Afi, wait up!" Why was everyone in such a hurry? The cat stopped long enough to shoot him a scathing look. "Food! Dinner! Fish! Keep up with me, your mind is as slow as your fluffy white assOW!" The cat dived under the bushes as Bryn swooped down to peck at him for his foul language. Álarr would've stopped to watch his companions going at it but the splash of water caught his attention as he slipped toward the edge of the lake. It was stunning! The fireflies reflected in the still water and every so often a fish would jump up to grab one of the tasty bugs.

There were two strange women there who seemed to be fishing. Curious he crept forward. "Hello," he whispered, not sure if his voice my scare the fish. Afi pulled up beside him, morphing out of the shadows the cat slinked down toward the edge of the lake, giving the women some space. Seeking to get a bit farther out the cat worked his way along a fallen tree trunk and urged Álarr to follow suit. He gulped this seemed like a bad idea. Sliding out on his belly he settled next to his companion who quietly ran him through the strategy of fishing. Oh man… so much waiting?

Carefully Álarr held his jaws open slightly above the water, waiting for a fish to try and grab a bug. When one came close he dived his jaws down into the water. Afi seemed to prefer using his claws to snag fish but Álarr didn't have that gift. Tyrian did but he sure didn't.
