
miss sunshine, mr rain-on-your-parade

ft kairi



9 Years
Dragon Mod

Valentines 2020Trick 2019
07-22-2019, 11:19 PM

She glanced at him, wondering what he thought about what she'd said. Truthfully, she still felt younger than she really was. And when she thought about it, she could hardly believe she and her siblings had all been born four years ago. Time sure flew pretty quick...but in quiet 'ole Lirim, it felt like it dragged on forever. That also meant her father was old, and she wasn't sure what she'd do when the time came to let him go. She couldn't properly grieve for her mother or brothers, because hell if she knew if they were alive or dead. She supposed she did grieve for them in some form, though she couldn't say it would be the same if she were to grieve for those close to her now. She could barely imagine what that would be like...but she didn't want to think about it now. She hoped her father, as old as he was, and Torin would live long lives. But even she wasn't sure how long wolves lived, or how long the oldest wolf lived to be. For all she knew, her dad could be at the end of his lifespan and wouldn't even know it. But he was still kicking strong, blind eye and all.

"would you want the pack if your brother passed it to you?" His question surprised her and caused her to slow down until she was moving at a slow paced walk. She hadn't ever thought about that before, likely because she never thought it would ever be a possibility...Frostbite wasn't family, but he had led alongside Rory and when Rory left, Frost had been left in charge...and then he chose Torin to lead. Honestly, she wasn't even sure how the hell all that had happened. Or even why their dad hadn't been chosen for the job. "I'm...not sure to be honest. I think I could handle it, but...I don't think Torin would ever consider me," She frowned and sighed, "I don't think he thinks I'm mature enough, and honestly...I don't even know how or why he was chosen to lead. All I know is that my twin brother chose Frostbite to help him lead instead of our dad, and then when he disappeared, Frostbite chose Torin? Or something?" She shook her head as her frown deepened, "Besides...Torin has kids now, which means he'll more than likely pick one of them to lead." Which meant she knew for sure she would never get a chance.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bring down the mood or anything. Just...nobody has ever asked me that before, I think you're the first to ever ask me anything like that." She looked at him as they walked, forcing a small smile as she realized this truth. The only thing she had ever really been asked is what rank she wanted or what position she was interested in. But that wasn't exactly personal stuff...she couldn't remember the last time someone asked her a question like the kind Holland had just asked her.

