
my momma done told me


07-20-2013, 01:32 PM

Ocena had been wandering Tortuga's territory when Orica's call came. It was becoming increasingly rare to see her in Tortuga's territory, now that she knew the truth of the volcano. It was difficult for her to force herself to stay put for long. But when Orica's call came for her, Ocena dropped everything, heading off immediately towards her darling girl. She would have never picked favorites from amongst her children; no, Ocena adored them all, and when one sought her out, Ocena would abandon everything for them. She would not make any of her darlings wait any longer than they had to. Especially now that they were growing up and beginning to explore the world, spending less time at home than they had before.

As she approached her daughter, Ocena felt her tail wag easily in the air behind her. "Orica!" She greeted her daughter happily, settling back on her haunches as soon as she was close enough to her daughter. The female was practically the spitting image of herself, with some of her father's markings. It suited her. She would be a heart breaker one day, of that Ocena was sure. Of course, Avalon would probably be a heartbreaker too. And Galileo, well, he would probably have females of all sorts chasing after him. But that would come with time. For then, they were just her darling children. They wouldn't be breaking any hearts for a little while yet.

She was quiet for the moment, however, waiting for Orica to speak her mind. Whatever had caused her daughter to seek her out would not be rushed, and Ocena was willing to wait for a little bit.
