
[CLOSED] Hutch Litter Adopt

1/1 - hannibal & dutch


07-23-2019, 08:24 PM (This post was last modified: 07-31-2019, 09:42 PM by Bluetick.)
OOC NAME: Bluetick
Name of Pup: Beryl, Iolite, Olivine, (not sure yet)
Gender: female
Focuses on: Intellect & (not sure on the second yet)

Reference w/ Description: click
28 inches & Medium build

She will be a Klein that clearly shows her mother's heritage within her. Like her father albinism will be strongly shown starting with the fact  that most of her fur color is white. Also she will adorn a pink nose, two pink paw pads, and part of her mouth being full of pink pigment. The other half of her mouth and the other two paw pads will remain dark pigmented. Her mother's looks shine through in her markings that overlay her white fur. Rich shades of brown that paints small spots, large blotches, and even brindle marks in spots. To add to the beauty of her coat are a pair of bright emerald green eyes. She does have two things that make her stand out even more. It starts with her half tail, a shortened version of what a normal wolf should have. It is uncertain if this is a birth defect or some sort of gene that was way back in one of the family bloodlines. The second thing is her dark ear tufts that look similar to the tufts on a Lynx, this is another trait that is uncertain where is came from.

She will grow to be on the smaller side, but not at small as her mother. Adult height will be 28 inches which will be more in the middle compared to her parent's heights. She also maintains a more medium build, being more evenly distributed with height as she is muscle to make a more balanced looking creature. As she grows to strives to maintain both her figure and her image. Though she will never mind getting dirty, she strives to clean herself once her work is done and to keep the white fur pretty and clean. Like her work she takes pride in looking good, but it's not overpowering enough to make her a complete neat freak.

Personality: 150 Word
Strives to be a crafter and trader & Intellegent, hardworking & Loyal, prideful, reserved & reflective, Intelligent, Tactful & Calculating, Self sufficient & Resourceful

There will never be a dull moment in her life, never a time where she can truly say that she is bored. Even when sitting and staring off into space her mind is hard at work, thinking and calculating things through. Thinking of general out of the box ideas, how to improve herself, & what should be her next more. She constantly comes back to things until she feels she has solved what needs to be solved. Thinking of ideas to organize and reorganize and just generally going over everything that has happened to her in the day. When around her you will quickly realize that she is vary low key, some may even say she is laid back. She is a reserved creature with the skills to be a good listener. She doesn't get excited easily, taking a more tactful approach with her emotions and taking in what is going on around her. She is very observant and resourceful and with how her mind is always going she will be able to come up with more out of the ordinary ideas. This is what will power her to become a crafter, that and the wonder she will get seeing her mother crafting something.

She is very particular in how she does her work and at first that will not show as a pup. At first it may seem she is just very slow with how she works, but she will strive to be a bit more of a perfectionist and take pride in the things she is able to create. She will strive to create things that are extremely useful along with being beautiful and very unique. She will grow to be a hardworking and self sufficient individual, not relying on aid from others. She will also be a very intelligent creature. She will not be big with crowds, but smaller gatherings she will feel more comfortable with.

Goals/Plot Ideas: Not really anything yet.
Attitude Toward Family: Direct family will be very important to her, but extended family will be overwhelming to her. She won't dislike any of her family unless they provide reason too and will keep an open mind about all of the extended family.

RP Sample: 100 word minimum.
The day was young, full of life, and she fully aimed to take advantage of it. It had only just been recently that they had been let out of the den which broadened her world and made her busy with exploring. Upon waking up that morning she had been patient for her mother to wake up, staring towards the exit of the den and letting her ears take in the noises that flowed through the short hallway of the den. She had already made a plan of what to do first, keeping in mind that she had to remain in her mother’s sight. Little did she know that there was more wolves to add to her world, living not far from where she was. She had heard the word pack slung around before, but had yet to truly realize what that word had meant and soon she would.

Hearing her mother stir, her emerald green eyes looked over to her, but she did not wake up. The young pup would huff slightly before getting up and moving closer to the exit of the den, then after a few moments she grew boated and advanced, popping her little head out of the den to look around. It wasn’t as bright out as yesterday, she didn’t see no sun in the sky, instead thick grey clouds looked overhead and the air felt thick with dampness. Suddenly something wet smacked into her nose making her throw her head back then look up wondering what it had been. Looking back down to her nose, she crossed her eyes as she looked at the dampened fur from the drop of rain, unsure what it was.

Cost: Yes and She will also need
- albino pass
- minor fantasy feature pass (for the ear tufts)