


07-20-2013, 01:51 PM

Nails, they raked across her mind. She shook the sound but what came with the words was a summoning. Violet eyes flickered heavenwards. Things were In the motion and she was figuring out what to do in order to obtain her pack once more. Her mate?s death was unforgivable. Yes, his life had been one of treachery and darker more twisted issues, however, that didn?t mean that he had deserved death. Her tail slashed behind her giving away the only signs of emotion. Her face was neutral, drawn back, with no visible signs of her mood. Everything was locked away, lost inside her, she needed Zara, needed release. Yet again, Zara was nowhere to be found.

Cerberus give me strength. She thought, she wanted things to go as planned and not ruin them by giving into her rage. Her ears twitched as she found the neutral grounds that he Serpent had called her too. At least she hadn?t been arrogant enough to call her home and shove everything she worked for back in her face. Part of her could sympathize. Hadn?t Zara asked her to take down Sade and she had. Barley, but nonetheless she had killed the queen and stolen the crown. That had ended in death and this time she hadn?t stolen the snakes life, not yet, perhaps Jupters death would be enough to burn Medusa. That was, If she allowed any of her wolves the opportunity to go after the queen who killed her love. She knew the desire for revenge had deep seeded into her children?s hearts. Syn had been distant and more silent then ever before.

She stood before the whole. Her injuries healed, her body tensing and ready if anything was provoked. Her tail flicked behind her as she kept her head high. Disregarding the crown that sat on medusas head. She had never asked her wolves to bow to her and she would not bow to this wolf. No, only the worthy gained her respect. ?What by Cerberus grace do you want?? she growled, the hostility was absent in her voice. She sounded dead. No emotion, no shine, no rage, just nothing. It was as if she were speaking on auto pilot and she puppet master sat close behind her mind, waiting to take over should the emotions consume her and break her free of her neutral disposition.